Camp Green
Camp Green is a Harpenden based fitness training company, which provides challenging, fun and sociable “boot camp” sessions to people of all abilities.
If your idea of a boot camp is a stern faced instructor hollering in your face, think again. At Camp Green we believe fitness training should be fun, not formidable, challenging without being gruelling.
We work in a relaxed and fun environment, and pride ourselves on being inclusive and welcoming to everyone – it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been exercising for years or you’re a complete beginner.
Camp Green
Camp Green is a Harpenden based fitness training company, which provides challenging, fun and sociable “boot camp” sessions to people of all abilities.
If your idea of a boot camp is a stern faced instructor hollering in your face, think again. At Camp Green we believe fitness training should be fun, not formidable, challenging without being gruelling.
We work in a relaxed and fun environment, and pride ourselves on being inclusive and welcoming to everyone – it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been exercising for years or you’re a complete beginner.

Questions that you have been dying to ask but are too embarrassed...
I haven’t done any exercise for years, and the thought of a bootcamp terrifies me. Will I be OK?
Yes! Our trainers are passionate about helping you to work at a level that’s right for you. No one will make you feel stupid or intimidated, quite the opposite. Everyone started somewhere, and once you get going you’ll never look back.
Yes, but I’m really unfit (and if I’m honest, overweight). Are you definitely sure I’ll be OK? Honest?
Just give it a go, and once you’ve made the commitment, stick with it. It’s like anything else in life – the more you do it, the better you get at it, the more you enjoy it. We’ll do our part to make sure you have fun and reap the rewards. Check with your doctor first and ensure that you’re fit to start doing some exercise, and then give it a go. You’ll enjoy it, honest.
I’m actually pretty fit. I regularly run/compete/train in the gym. Will it be too easy?
No! Our trainers are as good at pushing experienced athletes to challenge themselves as they are at helping people new to exercise to find their
confidence. So don’t for one minute think you’ll be able to slack off at the back.
So what exactly happens at a Camp Green session?
Sessions vary massively, but they all combine both cardiovascular and strength training activity, so you get a fantastic all round workout, better still, you might even forget that you’re exercising because you’re playing a team game, or throwing a ball around, or focusing on a particular skill. The variety of the sessions and team atmosphere can make an hour of training go by very quickly. Come and try it to see what we mean…
What if it is raining, snowing, too hot or too cold?
We train in any and ALL weathers! It's surprising how much fun you can have in the pouring rain!
What should I wear/bring with me?
For outdoor sessions, a pair of well-fitting trainers and any old sports kit that you don’t mind getting muddy. A waterproof if it’s really horrible weather. Fleece, hat and gloves in the winter. Occasionally the sun really does come out and suntan lotion and a hat can be useful. Always bring a bottle of water/squash.
I’ve got a bad back/knee/hip/shoulder…. Can I still train?
You’re the best judge of that. Check with your doctor first. Our trainers will always ask if you’ve got any injuries and if in doubt mention it to them at the start of the session. They will try to adapt exercises to accommodate your injury, but you need to be sensible and not aggravate injuries.
It’s better to sit something out than make a bad situation worse.
Where do you meet for the session in the park?
We meet in Rothamstead Park near the astro turf although can also be found by the skate ramp in the summer months.
Can I bring my dog/child?
Dogs and small children are more than welcome at outdoor sessions. We just ask that you are considerate of other bootcamper's and try to keep them under control! Occasionally older children join in properly with sessions (generally from about age 9 onwards). If your child wants to join in and train with us, we ask that you pay £5 for them.
If you have any other questions that you have thought can i ask?
We would love to answer any other questions you may have. Please call Tom on 07771 721934 or email